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Results: 173 - pag 18/18«161718»
Physical Vapor Deposition

Physical Vapor Deposition
Product lines > PVD > Physical Vapor Deposition Physical Vapor Deposition Foster PVD is the exclusive finish made in Foster obtained through a physical process, endowing stainless steel with special aesthetical features, and at the same time a resistance superior to that of any other treatment. Foster PVD is a special finish (not an aesthetical one) that gives special [...]
Linea lavelli Phantom, lavelli in acciaio inox, lavelli integrabili

Linea lavelli Phantom, lavelli in acciaio inox, lavelli integrabili
Experience > Newsroom: news in the kitchen and Foster products > Linea lavelli Phantom Linea lavelli Phantom Foster Phantom Foster Phantom è l’innovativa proposta di Foster che consente ai professionisti di integrare in cucina lavelli in acciaio inox in piani di lavoro di differenti materiali. La collezione di prodotti Foster Phantom è disponibile nelle versioni [...]
The shades of steel, sinks, hobs and mixers in PVD, colored sinks, mixers and hobs with PVD technology

The shades of steel, sinks, hobs and mixers in PVD, colored sinks, mixers and hobs with PVD technology
Experience > Newsroom: news in the kitchen and Foster products > The shades of steel, sinks, hobs and mixers in PVD The shades of steel, sinks, hobs and mixers in PVD Please accept preferences, statistics, marketing cookies to see this content
Results: 173 - pag 18/18«161718»