Outline collection
https://www.fosterspa.com/en-ww/outline-collection.aspxGas cooktop This gas hob matches perfectly in every detail with the Outline sink. ... Lowered control area The Outline gas hob also features the same lowered bench that characterises the design of the product. The lowered bench houses the knobs that regulate the flame with the innovative PrecisePower system that ensures [...]PVD by Foster
https://www.fosterspa.com/en-ww/pvd-by-foster.aspxAn absolute novelty for the market that started a series of experiments: given the surprising performance and resistance of the finish, it was decided to extend the treatment also to gas hobs. ... Built-in socket Piano cottura a gas KE | Portaprese Reverse | Phantom BASE | Omega Plus Designed to improve the operation in the kitchen, also the built-in [...]NEW MILANELLO 5 HOBS GOLD
https://www.fosterspa.com/en-ww/new-milanello-5-hobs-gold.aspx Experience > Newsroom: news in the kitchen and Foster products > NEW MILANELLO 5 HOBS GOLD NEW MILANELLO 5 HOBS GOLD Milanello 5F The collection of Milanello 5F cooker hobs expands, with the arrival of the new gas hob with Gold finish . ... The knobs also undergo a physical vapor deposition - PVD - treatment for a perfect harmony of colours and finishes. Related searches to: gas knobs