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Results: 2 - pag 1/1
Linea lavelli Phantom, lavelli in acciaio inox, lavelli integrabili

Linea lavelli Phantom, lavelli in acciaio inox, lavelli integrabili
Experience > Newsroom: news in the kitchen and Foster products > Linea lavelli Phantom Linea lavelli Phantom Foster Phantom Foster Phantom è l’innovativa proposta di Foster che consente ai professionisti di integrare in cucina lavelli in acciaio inox in piani di lavoro di differenti materiali. La collezione di prodotti Foster Phantom è disponibile nelle versioni [...]
Foster steel and Carrara marble

Foster steel and Carrara marble
Experience > Newsroom: news in the kitchen and Foster products > Foster steel and Carrara marble Foster steel and Carrara marble Integration between technique and craftsmanship From the encounter between the craftsmanship of the processing and the industrial production of the product, an integration project between Carrara marble and steel made in Foster comes to life. A perfect combination [...]
Results: 2 - pag 1/1