FM Marine FM Marine FM Marine is Foster's new proposal for sinks made of AISI 316 stainless steel. ... FM Marine sinks are available with one or two bowls and drainer, or with a single bowl. ... Indeed, regardless of the model chosen, Foster offers the following accessories: Crystal chopping board Iroko wood chopping board [...]NEW WAVE Experience > Newsroom: news in the kitchen and Foster products > NEW WAVE NEW WAVE New Wave New Wave is Foster's sink collection, which makes of movement its main feature. The unusual shape of the drainer shifts the focus point of the sink creating a new shape, as if it were moved by the waves of the sea. The New Wave sinks, both in [...]Milanello Gold Workstation. Gold Workstation The new Milanello Gold Workstation sink is the latest new entry of Foster, designed to give charm and elegance to your kitchen. It can be installed flush with the worktop or above it, has two tap cut-outs: one for the automatic Space Push Gun Metal waste-fitting and one for the mixer tap. ... Thanks to the system of recessed rails [...]Learnign through cooking, during the evening and between courses, the diners were able to taste some unusual dishes such as orzotto in vasocottura, but also learn some functions of the appliances being used: • Combined steam oven • Blast chiller • Induction hob with integrated hood • Microwave oven Furthermore, during the preparation of the dishes, the diners had the pleasure of [...]Related searches to: sinking cutting board